This is a page of resources for HLP tutors.
You are also encouraged to join our private facebook group and contribute there.
Here is the form to electronically submit your Monthly Time Report. Your anonymized data will be sent to California State Library Literacy Services, and they use it to determine parts of our funding, so thank you for your timely participation. Please try to report each month's time before the 10th of the following month.
Here is the Roles and Goals form that we need you and your learner to print, complete, and mail or email to us, twice a year. Keep a copy for yourself so you can update it in six months and track your progress with your learner. We will remind you when we need it. We will remove all personally identifying information and share the rest with California State Library Literacy Services. This helps literacy projects throughout California to understand and serve our learners' ever-evolving needs. Please note: This is a great tool for communicating with your learner, and a great way to track your progress. It can also be overwhelming at first sight, to both you and your learner! Take your time, fill out only the parts that are relevant to you and your learner, and don't try to do this at your introductory meeting.
Here are some reminders of the things we talked about in Orientation.
Below are some more resources for you and your learner. We'll be adding to them periodically, so feel free to recommend the sites, books, and other materials that work for you. Remember, the best teaching materials usually come from your learner's everyday life. But if there is something you would like to try that isn't currently in HLP's resources, please let us know so we can purchase it and loan it to you. This site is an excellent reservoir of worksheets.
News and current events written for low literacy levels, with audio accompanying text: HLP will pay for a subscription if your learner really wants to read current news. A good resource for tutors. This site is useful for the learner.
Online Resources for Tutors and Learners
Free Apps for ESL Learners
Duolingo App
Memrise App
English Phrasal Verbs App
Free Youtube Lessons for ESL Learners
Learn English with Jennifer
Everyday English Conversation Practice
Free Web Resources for ESL Learners
Talk English
I'm - English Speaking Lessons on Expressions and Phrasal English
ESL Gold
Many Things
Free Resources for Literacy Tutors
Reading Skills for Today
Adult Literacy League
RESOURCES - Adult Literacy League
Free Resources for ESL Tutors
ISL Collective
English Page
Dave’s ESL Cafe
TED Talks - great for advanced listening practice
Voice of America - written articles and audio news
Google Translate
Chat GPT
Playful Learning Ideas